Five tips that help you manage fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by musculoskeletal aching which is accompanied by issues related to sleep, tiredness, mood, and memory. Since fibromyalgia cannot be quantified with the help of standard diagnostic tests, so the experts believe that it triggered by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It implies that this condition intensifies the pain by influencing the way your brain perceives the pain signals. Interestingly, women are affected by fibromyalgia more than men.

Typically, the symptoms start projecting when a person has dealt with excessive stress, physical or emotional trauma, surgery or infection. People who have fibromyalgia might also have additional health issues such as depression, anxiety, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), tension headaches, TMJ (temporomandibular joint), etc. Unfortunately, there is no cure for fibromyalgia. However, it can be managed with a range of medicines and lifestyle changes.

Living well with fibromyalgia
Today living with fibromyalgia is more manageable as it is considered as a serious medical issue. Initially, due to the lack of diagnostic evidence, it was stigmatized. However, with new research emerging, most medical communities have recognized its occurrence. If you sense that you are suffering from fibromyalgia, your first step should be scheduling an appointment with a rheumatologist. After understanding the range and intensity of your symptoms, they will design the most viable treatment plan. This could include the use of pain relievers, anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants or vitamins.

Along with medical help, you are also required to take some initiative on your part, which mostly comprises embracing healthy lifestyle practices. The following are some measures you can adopt that can make living with fibromyalgia easier.

  • De-stress – Persistently stressing over things can affect your energy levels and moods. Therefore, it is essential that you battle it so that your treatment can be more effective. So, make it a point to unwind on a daily basis by pursuing your favorite activities which could include reading, spending time with family or friends, going for walks, getting massages, traveling to new places every week, etc. You could also implement a more disciplinary approach such as yoga or meditation.
  • Exercise every day – Low impact exercises can do wonders for musculoskeletal pain. These could include cycling, swimming, light jogging, or a brisk walk. Such physical regime on a regular basis will help your body cope with the aching and fatigue.
  • Sleeping well – Not getting enough sleep will aggravate the fibromyalgia symptoms, as your body is not getting an opportunity to recharge adequately to fight the pain and fatigue. Therefore, ensure that you work out a decent sleep schedule that at least offers you with seven to eight hours of rest. If you are facing sleep troubles, cut down on caffeine and alcohol. You can also apply some lavender oil on your forehead to relax and induce sleep.
  • Therapy – Living with fibromyalgia often be tough as most people are not aware of it. So, explaining your distress every time can get emotionally taxing. If you aren’t able to communicate your issues, then take some time out to see a therapist who can help improve your emotional state.
  • Diet – There is no specific diet suggested for fibromyalgia, although you should focus on having foods that are rich in nutrients and low or zero levels of processed and refined ingredients. Also, notice if any particular foods trigger your symptoms so that you can decrease or entirely avoid the consumption of such items.