Skin Care Myths Debunked!!!!!

The skin is the largest organ in our body. It is made up of 3 layers. The epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis layer is the skin’s outermost layer. There are many different functions of the skin. Firstly, it acts as chemical and physical barrier for the body, protecting us against from harmful pathogens from the external environment. It also gives us sensation, due to the nerves in the skin. If the skin is harmed from heat, the nerves attached to the skin will send neurotransmitters to the central nervous system which will cause a response by moving the skin away from danger. Hence it is important to take good care of the skin. Moisturizing it, cleansing the skin, exfoliating it are some of the important routines to be done. But how much is enough? Will antibacterial soaps be harsh on my skin? Are anti-wrinkle creams give you good results? Read on to find more truths..
Ahead, find the most popular mistakes you’re probably making that could compromise the health of your skin..
MYTH 1: You need to cleanse your face at least twice a day.
TRUTH: Using a face wash in the morning is just an excuse to go through more product, according to Hirsch, who advises avoiding antibacterial soaps at all costs because they’re too harsh for your face. “In the morning, the best thing is water and your fingers, not a cleanser,” she says.
MYTH 2: Wearing foundation with an SPF means you’re being sun safe.
TRUTH: You should still apply a sunscreen underneath, says Chapas. “Unless you’re slathering on a mask of makeup, you’re not getting enough protection. You need to wear an SPF of at least 30 on your face every day, and nobody puts on enough foundation to get that SPF value out of it.”
MYTH 3: The more wrinkle cream you apply, the better your results.
TRUTH: Morning and evening applications are a waste of money, says Hirsch. Most active ingredients work really well once a day, and anti aging retinols should be used only at night (because they’re broken down by sunlight). Plus, slathering on too many retinols will cause irritation and make your skin look worse, leading to redness, peeling, and inflammation.
MYTH 4: The richer the eye cream, the better it is for wrinkles.
TRUTH: Many eye creams that are rich and greasy may contain heavy oils like mineral oil or petrolatum. Due to their large molecular structure, these ingredients are not absorbed into the skin easily. A proper eye cream should be absorbed, yet still leave the skin feeling moist and supple.
MYTH 5: Scrubbing your face with soap will keep your skin healthy and acne free.
TRUTH: “When you scrub your face, you’re taking off some of the protective oils and barriers, which tends to lead to rashes and even burns,” says Sandy Johnson, MD, a board-certified dermatologist with Johnson Dermatology Group in Fort Smith, Ark. Instead, she says, use a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer or sunscreen.
MYTH 6: Tanning booths are safe as long as they don’t contain UVB rays.
TRUTH: Tanning booth companies often say that they are filtering out the so-called “sunburn” UVB rays, says Jenny Kim, MD, an assistant professor of medicine and dermatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California at Los Angeles. But when you go to a tanning booth, you’re still exposing your skin to UVA rays, which penetrate deeper into the skin and cause damage that can lead to premature aging and skin cancers.